Some of the grey mullet fry may also be caught in local coastal waters 本地沿岸水域内,亦可捕获一些乌头鱼苗。
About 96 per cent of the farms are engaged in polyculture ( bighead carp , silver carp , common carp , grass carp in combination with tilapia or grey mullet ) 这些鱼塘中,约有96是从事混养(即大头、 ?鱼,鲤鱼及
Most ponds practise polyculture of carps mixed with tilapia or grey mullet . the remaining ponds carry out monoculture of snakehead or catfish . however , many coastal ponds are converted to monoculture of brackish species such as scat , seabream and pampano to reap better profit 大部分鱼塘采用混合养殖法,养殖的鱼类品种多数以鲤鱼科混合福寿鱼或乌头,其馀鱼塘则采用单养式养殖法,饲养生鱼或塘虱。